Wednesday, December 12, 2012

I have started a second platter. Fingers crossed that this one comes out in one piece. I attached a lip to (hopefully) strengthen the platter and I will be firing it in a different way this time. I will post pictures before and after firing.

Thursday, December 6, 2012


Handle project

Here is a sneak peak at my handles project. Lots and lots of mugs to come! I've made a total of six so far, I think. Mrs. B says I have great handle making skillz :-) Hopefully I can fire and glaze a couple of them in time for the holidays. I am very proud of my skills on the wheel at this point. I finally got it down better this year! After three years of ceramics, I should be able to make a bowl or a cup on the wheel, so this is good. Now if I can get the surface decoration to be amazing these will be pretty nice cups!

40 Under 40 Platter Reflection

The platter I created based on Jenny Hart's style turned out better than expected in several ways. I was very happy with the texture, color, and glazing of the piece. The intricate pieces attached stayed on, which was good.
     However, the platter was too fragile to be fired the way it was and it did end up cracking. Next time I would use a different method to fire and maybe make the clay more thick to protect it from breaking.
     I plan to make another platter soon, as a part of my next project which will focus on surface decoration, and how to draw on clay and make aesthetically pleasing designs.

xx, Emma