Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Tea Pot Project Planner

Topics investigated: How to use multiple techniques in one project to create a successful set?

  • How can I make a good teapot?
    • How will I make the spout, handle, and other parts? 
  • How will I use wax resist to create a design for surface decoration? 
My reflection:
I referenced the "Expression Clay" textbook and other sources in the creation of my teapot. I used the wheel to create the base and then used handbuilding techniques to create the spout, handle, and lid and attach everything. If I was doing the project again, I might make the tea pot a little bigger. But the size was satisfactory for what I was trying to achieve with a simple look. I made the cups for the set on the wheel to be simple in a similar way. 

Next I will update with the progress of surface decoration for the pieces in my project!

Artistic Inspiration for Teapot Project: Anne Mette Hjortshøj

Anne Mette Hjortshøj is a ceramic artist in Denmark. I used on of her sets from a February 2013 issue of Ceramics monthly as inspiration, seen below:

The goal for the look of my project is to use black wax resist and glazing to create a similar surface decoration. Hjortshøj uses the wheel and stoneware clays to create her pieces and glazes them with unique patterns. The natural shape, color, and aesthetics of her pieces were the basis for my ideas for my project, to create a simple but unique tea set. I used a different process to create the handle of my teapot but I plan to use these ideas for surface decoration as the next step in the process. 

Here is second tea set created by Hjortshøj: 

Friday, March 15, 2013

Independent Study Tea Set

My latest project is making a tea set using multiple techniques (throwing, hand building, making handles). I plan to make a teapot and several cups, and decorate them with a wax resist pattern. My inspiration for this was a teapot made an artist from the February issue of Ceramics monthly.

Currently I have completed the teapot and I am in the process of making cups. My next step will be to work on surface decoration.